Fort Collins Place Branding Request for Proposal
A consortium of organizations and municipal departments in the Fort Collins community has established a place-branding task force to develop a shared brand for the area.
The task force consists of individuals representing the following organizations and institutions:
- City of Fort Collins
- Colorado State University
- Downtown Development Authority
- Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce
- Fort Collins Tourism Improvement District
- Larimer County
- Philanthropic not-for-profit
- Private Industry
- Visit Fort Collins
The group is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to identify a firm or agency with place-branding expertise to assist in creating a community brand for the area.
Visit Fort Collins, the City’s destination marketing organization, is guiding the process on behalf of the task force and has issued the RFP, will coordinate submitted responses, contract with the selected agency, and manage the brand development work that follows.
1. RFP ISSUED: May 9, 2022
2. INTENT TO RESPOND DUE: May 18, 2022
3. QUESTIONS DUE: May 18, 2022
4. RESPONSES DUE: June 10, 2022
5. FINALISTS INTERVIEW/PRESENTATION (if needed): Week of June 27th
6. BEGIN CONTRACT: Week of July 18th
Please send any questions to