Film Festivals

Fort Collins is home to annual film festivals that are sure to inspire for filmmakers and film enjoyers alike.


Horsetooth Fest

Horsetooth Fest was founded with the intent to establish Northern Colorado as an international destination where progressive thought and action are celebrated through the art of filmmaking and other forms of creative expression. The mission of Horsetooth Fest is to inspire and engender passionate artistic creations and positive changes to our way of life by providing an international platform to spread knowledge and creativity. For more information, visit their website.


ACT Human Rights Film Festival

Celebrating its 10th annual year in 2025, ACT hosts an annual film festival in Fort Collins, Colorado, each April. Based out of Colorado State University, ACT Human Rights Film Festival screens artistically excellent films from around the world and fosters conversations about social justice and human rights.

Throughout the week-long festival, ACT screens artistically excellent films that explore human rights and social justice themes. The festival brings filmmakers from around the world to Fort Collins to engage in dialogue, Q&As, and panel discussions. The festival strives to broaden local/global awareness, create community connections, and to encourage civic engagement.

ACT’s mission is to (A)waken audiences to issues happening around the world, (C)onnect them to their film guests and each other in thoughtful conversations, and (T)ransform the ways in which audiences engage with people, communities, cultures, and ideas. Click here to find out more!

Fort Collins Spotlight