Only in FOCO
"We hope you'll find our guides entertaining and knowledgeable about Fort Collins history and hauntings, and you might even have an otherworldly experience along the way! Many of our guests have caught interesting photos, been touched, and have heard ghostly laughing in some of our sites."

-Lori Jusak, Fort Collins Tours, LLC 


What makes Fort Collins Tours "Fort Collins Tours"?

Tours are really the only way to access the underground sites and passages in Old Town. Our professional, costumed guides will guide you through, into, and underneath Old Town Fort Collins and share with you the stories of history and hauntings. We talk about the scoundrels and scalawags, murders and mayhem and also point out the interesting architecture of the local buildings and underground passages. And sometimes, we even experience unexplained phenomenon!

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Why should people book a tour with Fort Collins Tours?

The Fort Collins Ghost Tours are a ton of fun, and you learn a lot about our local history as well.

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Describe the perfect visitor experience for somebody who decided to book one of your tours.

We hope you'll find our guides entertaining and knowledgeable about Fort Collins history and hauntings, and you might even have an otherworldly experience along the way! Many of our guests have caught interesting photos, been touched, and have heard ghostly laughing in some of our sites.

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What is the story behind how you started Fort Collins Tours, LLC?

When we moved to Fort Collins in 2009 there were no tours and we wanted to learn about the history of the area. We decided to start a history tour, but so often as we interviewed business owners or building owners in Old Town they would share that their space was haunted! After hearing this from so many businesses and discovering that there was SO much lost history underneath Old Town, we added Ghost Tours and those have become very popular.

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What is your background? Tell us  about yourself  leading up to this point in your life. 

I own a real estate agency (Juszak Realty) and also teach business and management online for Front Range Community College. I've always been a fan of science, but throughout my life kept running into tales of hauntings, telepathy, etc., so searched for scientific studies about the paranormal prior to embarking on this business. I found some amazing studies via Stanford University about Remote Viewing (used, in fact, by the American military during the Cold War) and also through Duke University who for years had a department dedicated to paranormal scientific research. Some phenomenon have been proven, others not, but I find it all quite fascinating.

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In what ways are you implementing sustainable practices into your business? 

We are paperless (no tickets, all digital), and we are a walking tour which promotes activity while leaving no carbon footprint.

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What do you love about the Fort Collins community?

Oh my...where to start! We LOVE the friendly people, access to mountains, lakes, so many parks, and the general location. We also love that Fort Collins is a dog-friendly town, and when we are out in front of the storefront in Old Town Square we really enjoy meeting passers-by and their dogs. Fort Collins has "soul" more so than almost any other place we've been, and you can feel it's a living, breathing place when you are walking around Old Town. It's also been talked about as one of the most haunted locations in America and our experiences in Old Town really back that up.

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What is your message to the Fort Collins community?

Come and explore Old Town and have fun! The shopping is amazing and you can support your local mom and pop shops and restaurants while getting the best customer service. And if you feel like getting spooky, come on our tour! We offer regularly scheduled tours March 1 - December 18th every year, and private tours are offered year-round.

Fort Collins Tours, LLCFort Collins Ghost Tours 1

Address: 19 Old Town Square, Fort Collins, CO 80524

Hours of Operation: 8 am - 8 p.m. for phone calls


Facebook: @HauntedFortCollins

Fort Collins Tours, LLC

  • 21 Old Town Square

The Fort Collins Ghost Tour’s professional guides will lead you through haunted underground rooms and passages, as well as above-ground sites of Old Town Fort Collins. Along the way, you will learn about local legends, hauntings, ghostly sightings…